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Delegation effectiveness

Proactive Team Communication in an Async Culture at Remote.


Stephan is an experienced operations manager who recently began leading an internationally-based team. Stéphane was overwhelmed with a reactive operational role, struggling to allocate time for strategic leadership and team development, which stifled his ability to manage effectively and stunted team growth.


Stephan participated in a Human at Scale leadership development program that offered practical, immediate applications of leadership skills. This program focused on enhancing communication, improving delegation, and boosting leadership confidence through structured, reflective modules that facilitated real-time learning and application.


The training resulted in Stephan developing a more strategic approach to leadership, significantly improving his communication and delegation skills. These changes fostered a more confident leadership style that enhanced team satisfaction and operational efficiency, leading to a noticeable improvement in decision-making and team connection.

"This is a different approach to leadership training, less corporate and more human. I graduated with an effective toolkit to lead my team with real changes in the way I approach decision-making, delegation, and connection with my team members."

Stephan Rabier

Director, Life Cycle Operations at

"Meeting with Chase gave me the space to reflect on the bigger picture and implement processes that give compounding returns on my time. Our customers now see a more reliable product, and we've won over new customers thanks to our increased engineering bandwidth."

Alex Kilkka

Co-Founder & CTO

"We cut our customer response times down by 50%. My hours have been reduced significantly. The mindset shift of realizing I can actually pull off this dream of mine is huge!"

Leslie Wish

Top 1% Senior Loan Mortgage Officer

"We set goals in three areas: revenue, number of partners, and headcount. We revised up our these goals three times, and we blew past them three times."

Connor Swalm

Co-Founder & CEO at Phin Security

"The ROI working with Chase is hard to measure, but it's been exponential. In the value we've gotten from making much better decisions, we've become much better leaders."

Sahil Rahman

Co-Founder & CEO at RASA

“This Human at Scale program was a four-figure investment that led to a six-figure outcome for my business. Chase is a real-life problem solver."

Josh Schwartz

Founder & CEO at Pubvendo

"The frameworks Chase taught us are things we use time after time. I don't think we would have had the confidence to grow that quickly or that successfully without working with Chase."

Marcy Ewald

Co-Founder and COO at ThinkNimble

“I loved Chase’s clear, methodical, and thoughtful process. It’s what I aspire to. I believe a good structure can serve as the scaffold to allow myself and my team to be as creative and flexible as possible.”

Zvi Band

Founder & CEO at Relatable

"Chase was extremely helpful in the actual implementation of OKRs… He has an incredible ability to take these goals and make them objective and refined."

Max Friedman

Co-Founder & CEO at Givebutter

“Our revenues increased 85% year over year, we have a core management team in place, and we have a new business partner. I’m no longer working 60+ hours a week (stressful hours to boot), and we are now focusing on growth and increasing profit margins.”

Chris May

Founder & CEO at Quadrant Advisory